Try Energy Healing to Find Balance in Your Life

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Energy healing is derived from energy medicine. The healing comes from the belief that energy is a force that can be used to bring or restore balance, facilitate healing and release the negative energy that can lead to the development of diseases. On one level, doctors have long known that stress can show up in the body as a very real health condition. Holding on to negative emotions can upset the balance of energy and if no inner healing takes place, it will continue to show up outwardly as imbalance in the form of health problems. How can you know if your life is out of balance? You’ll have that inner sense that something is off kilter, a nagging sensation that just won’t go away no matter what you do to try and silence it. You’ll find this low level awareness hits you as soon as you wake and the minute your mind isn’t busy with other things, that awareness rises again full force. That’s caused by disharmony in the body and disharmony in the body will give signals or warning signs to the mind as a way to try and get you to pay attention and realize a change needs to take place. What are some of the symptoms you should be aware of that mean you need energy healing? You may feel extreme fatigue and begin to crave more sleep. You may find that you wake up and still feel depleted of energy even after getting more sleep. A sense of emptiness or sadness may accompany your waking hours without you being able to pinpoint exactly why you feel that way. Normally easy going and adaptable to whatever goes on in your personal or professional life, you may begin to show signs of stress by snapping at others or sounding off in anger in a situation that normally wouldn’t bother you. Take a simple quick check to see if you’re out of balance. Are you struggling with a sense of fearful foreboding? Have you lost your self assuredness? Do you feel like your life is out of control? Because you’re used to handling life you might not realize at first that anything is wrong and might chalk it up to just an overload of stress, but when the energy is disturbed, the stress will continue because it’s stemming from within and not from without. When your sense of well being has been disrupted and disharmony reigns within your body, then you need to get back that balance and one of the more natural ways to do so is through energy healing.


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