The Presents that From God

Had my window placed some music on to research for my next article. I hire this bang coming from the window. Thinking it was the neighbours moving some big items with machinery. Than I hear it again and look out the window and see it is a thunderstorm. I am thinking awesome. I stop everything to watch it. I get a front row sat to one of mother natures amazing perfomaces. If you think about is amazing performance of light and sound together. The force of lighting depends on the size of the sound of the thunder. In Ireland these kind of perforates by nature is quite rare. While watching the atom a barfly flies in and does a full circle of the room. Than lands on the desk in the room. Looks directly at me for a few seconds. Decides to come closer closer reaches about a two inches away than caught my attation and few away. I look up the message of a butterfly. It means transformation. This is ike a present from god. The storm and butterfly at the same time. We receive all sorts of gifts from god. We may realise it or not. Some amy be presented in a different way than you expected. It will come again if you put work and faith together to create it again. Every night I spend five minutes saying a prayer for thanks, people that are sick in every aspect of the world and as well ask for something for myself. A prayer doesn’t have to be the traditional prayer. it can be a few sentences that fit you.

Being Inspired

Are you Inspire? This is a powerful question. It makes you sit up and take account of everything in your life. It is like taking a vacuum to a messy floor. The question is like taking a bottle of Coco cola and shaking it than opening it. When stuck or trying to figure out a route will ask this question. Than wait for a few days and will receive the answer. So what is inspiration? It is inspiration? It’s a feeling that makes you connected with your spirit. Like a inward passion. When you’re in this zone everything seems to click into place. You become consumed in a different way. Where you jump out of bed with a spring in you step. The work brings a smile, positivity and love with what you do. How can I find my item to be inspired? I can’t answer that question for you. After a few hours of digging for an answer. Than the light bulb will switch on. Than the question will be answered and the passion will happen. Sometimes we they flight out of the sky and become part of us. The inspiration is our electrical spark that pulls people together to chat about that spefic topic.That person is so in grossed that times slips by without it being noticed.

Magic, healing and substances abuse By Michael Peter Langevin

It was when I was working in Northern California as a social worker that my beliefs and skills in magic and healing were greatly tested. One of the main responsibilities of my position was to make sure children were safe in their families. The main problem, in most of the families I worked with, was one form or another of substances abuse. Alcoholism, heroin addiction, crack cocaine addiction were all big problems which often resulted in children being seriously neglected or abused to the degree that they had to be removed from their homes to guarantee their well being. However meth addiction is a plague which has ruined many families and even whole communities in the U.S.A. I worked with many families where one or both of the parents were meth addicts and sadly this usually resulted in them losing their parental rights and all future contact with their children. The children were either adopted into other families or placed in long term foster homes. The government agency I was employed by allows a grace period, from six months to eighteen months, after children are removed from their parent care. This is a time where the parents are given support to break their addictions and begin to reenter society and be able to properly care for their children. Meth addiction is insidious. The body and mind of those addicted usually have such an over powering need for the drug, that no matter how much they love their children or desire to stop using the drug, they are unable to stop using for very long. Portions of my job were to agree with the parents on what actions they plan to take to terminate their addiction and then to maintain their sobriety. I was responsible to encourage them to take these actions and to begin lives which supported them in not using drugs. I also had to monitor if they were attending the programs and classes and staying away from meth use. Previous to becoming a social worker in this capacity, I worked extensively with shamanism and many occult, magical and healing practices. This knowledge and techniques were frown on by the government agency I was employed by. A social worker was not seen by the government as a healer or a magic worker. I was soundly instructed not to use any of this “Foo Foo stuff” at work. However I took the position partially to test if my magical, occult and alternative healing knowledge and skills would work and help extremely needy low functioning people. After many years of juggling being a government bureaucrat and a clandestine magic worker and healer I can report that these skills and knowledge increased the success of many of my client families but were far short of one hundred percent successful. If a person had a very low self image and did not like themselves and did not feel they deserved a good life, than there was little l could do effectively to help them heal or give up their addictions. Desire and deservingness are large components of healing. However if someone had just stumbled and had become a substance abuser because they fell in love with the wrong person or were spending time with other addicts or for any reason but did like themselves and did feel they and their children deserved a good life, then I was often able to act as an effective catalyst for their becoming drug free and having their children returned and building a healthy high functioning family. Belinda was such a person. Her husband and she had three of the sweetest children I ever met. But both parents were addicted to meth and prescription pain killers and were alcoholics. Were in their thirties and had been addicted to drugs and alcohol since they began dating in their teen years. Due to their substance abuse they fought often, loudly and violently in front of the children. Neighbors called my agency to file concerns of the children being abused. I was sent out to investigate. I had to remove the children, to keep them from being abused. This resulted in the couple separating. The husband said he wanted his kids back but then he refused to attend any rehab programs or classes and usually would come to arrange visits with the children high and drunk. Belinda on the other hand attended a two month residential rehab program and quit all her substance use. However when she was on her own again she initially experienced repeated relapsing. Yet each time, she would go to a therapist, and a counselor and Narcotic Anonymous meetings and stop her substance use again. The relapsing episodes eventually began to slow and have more time in-between. Then it seemed she finally got it an stop relapsing she fully embraced her life of sobriety. She began a full time job and found a stable place to live. Belinda and I had countless meeting in which I would suggest alternative ways she could strengthen her resolve and heal and build a better life. I suggested to her ways she could pray for help, ways she could meditate, exercises she could do both physically and mentally, changes she could make towards a healthier diet, ways to alter how she thought about her past and visualized her future. I stressed the importance of not focusing on her fears, worries, doubts and the negative but rather to focus on her hopes, and dreams and the positive. We would often talk at length of things she wanted to do with her children once she was completely substance free and her children were back in her care full time. I suggested different ways she could deal with the weak moments when she felt the need to return to substance use. We would weekly review her short term and long term goals and monitor her progress towards them. We even did little Native American ceremonies in my office to call in energies to strengthen her, heal her and assist her in her goals. I asked if she was alright with me doing some ceremonies and rituals on my own for her and her children and she was so thankful. So I did those on weekends. As she had longer periods of high functioning I arranged for first overnight visits and went a few of those went well weekend visits and eventually Belinda was allowed to take the children camping for a three day weekend. After eighteen months Belinda’s children were returned to her. In another six months the case was officially closed and declared a success. Belinda also became a leader of a Narcotics Anonymous group and a mentor for other women working to quit drugs and have their children returned. I bumped into Belinda and her kids in a grocery store a year later and they all seemed great and she told me how good life had become for them. The moral of the story might be that magic and alternative healing can work in the most hostel unsupportive environments against all odds and improve people’s lives and help heal highly dysfunctional families. Michael Peter Langevin is the author of “Secrets of the Ancient Incas”, “Spiritual Business”, and “Secrets of the Amazon Shamans”. He was the former Publisher/Editor of Magical Blend Magazine, Natural Health and Beauty Magazine and Transitions Magazine. Michael Peter offers workshops, talks and tours to South America. For more info email him at

The Poem That Caught The Rug Under My Feet To Make Me Listen To The Message

As 2014 begins for everybody. We have been discussing with friends and family members what we are goals and giving up for the year. In order to achieve the best foot forward. A family member had a this feeling to look at a poem that was hades by a friend two years ago. The poem is written by a mystic named Rumi. The poem is called don’t go back to sleep. The previous year in the chinese zodiac was the fire snake which was shedding the skin of something that we don’t want to have abut us or items arounds us. As January is the last month of the fire snake. From February onwards it will be the wood horse. After doing all that detaching or shedding the things we don’t like about ourselves and others. You can have two choices go back to sleep and forget all the work we have done in the past year could be undone. As this month progresses we have two choices one could be go back to sleep or the other could be to stay awake and keep moving to improve our self journey and to continue to work hard to obtain the wealth of life. ThiHere is the Rumis poem Dpn’t go back to sleep. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep. After reading the poem fully. Go back and read line by line. When you read the end of the sentence and look at the words he has chosen. Than see how do they piece in with your life in the present moment that you’re entering or stuck in. I did this same exact exercise and it stopped me in my tracks. It made me reflect on the year just gone and coming what do I want from it in a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of my life.I I than asked my guides and angles about this message that is intwined in Rumis poem They replied that this is the message of 2014.Than took out my angel cards shuffled them and drew a card it was the same message as the poem. After that I realised if this message is being presented to me like a food on a plate ready to eat. The only thing to do now is take a bit of the message and see where it takes me.

O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!

I came across this pray three years ago. I read it and became hypnotised with the language of the prayer and the meaning. I wanted to post this prayer because a friend emailed me today in asking for a prayer. I rattled the brain and out of now where I receive an answer and it was this particular prayer. O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love! Salutations and prostrations unto Thee. Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute). Thou art the Indweller of all beings. Grant us an understanding heart, Equal vision, balanced mind, Faith, devotion and wisdom. Grant us inner spiritual strength To resist temptations and to control the mind. Free us from egoism, lust, greed, hatred, anger and jealousy. Fill our hearts with divine virtues. Let us behold Thee in all these names and forms. Let us serve Thee in all these names and forms. Let us ever remember Thee. Let us ever sing Thy glories. Let Thy Name be ever on our lips. Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.

Soul Man

This a song from the movie Blues Brothers called Soul man. I like this song because it represents us on a soul or spirit level. While on earth we experience good and bad things that helps us evolve into a well rounded person. At the end day we are spirits having a human body to play, work and enjoy the fruits of god on a daily bases regardless of your physical and metal status that doesn’t excist in the plan of soul and god. If you watch The Blues Brothers and take it scene by scene you can see that that two guys are running from the law to get the band together so they can to perform music. This is what makes their soul dance inside the human body.

The 7 Elements of Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational medicine is a holistic way of using energy to treat and help improve the health of those who use it. It includes seven elements that make this way of treatment so popular. Those seven elements are color, light, crystals and gems, sound, aroma, sacred geometry, and touch. The use of color for healing and other benefits didn’t suddenly spring to existence, but has been in use for numerous years.

Praying for Health

There are many people that belong to some kind of religion. The fact is that about 95% of Americans believe in God. When a person is sick or in pain, it is very common to pray for health. Many wander does this work? There are studies today that are committed on the accuracy of prayer for health. The alternative to traditional treatments can be used to help a person in both

What Makes Whole Body Vibration Therapy Unique?

Whole body vibration therapy may be a new phrase to you, but it’s one you’re going to want to learn more about and fast. The idea behind the therapy is the treatment of the body as a whole. When one part of the body is hurting or disease attacks one part of the body, the entire body including the mind is affected by it.