#35 Gregory & Gail Hoag – Sacred Gemoatry and Metaforms

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When people meet Gregory and Gail Hoag, they sense a rare relationship, full of consciousness and love. Gregory, scientist and leading expert on Sacred Geometry, along with Gail, artist, intuitive and business woman, founded Metaforms 30 years ago. They create energetic tools that support people to evolve into higher awareness with Source and Heart consciousness. They are recognized as leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting purpose and clearing electromagnetic interference. Longer combined: Gregory Hoag, scientist, best selling author and artist, has researched Sacred Geometry and consciousness for over 40 years. Following a major spiritual awakening (Kundalini) in 1982, he started creating energetic tools that provide transformative experiences to foster spiritual evolution and the expansion of Source. His land in the Colorado Rockies has numerous energy vortexes and strategically placed geometric forms for the purpose of activating the planetary grids and energizing some of the tools produced by Metaforms. He is recognized as one of the leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting intent and clearing emotional and electromagnetic interference. Gail Hoag is a health consultant, educator, artist, intuitive, and spiritual advisor. Her study of light, color and energy in motion in her paintings, launched a deep understanding for creating transformative fields to expand consciousness. In1985, Gail and Gregory married and founded Metaforms Sacred Geometry Tools. They live in Lyons, CO with their 2 daughters.


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