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I look at the mirr and see this image of myself. I say wow how beautiful i look. Than a few seconds pass. I start to notice things that I wouldn’t see. Than I ask who are you? The answer is I am your higher self.The soul that resides in this body. Meditation is a amazing process. It helps us align the body and mind with the soul. It is like connecting your computer to the internet. When practice daily meditation we are connecting to the information comes from heaven, space and higher planes coming to our soul in order to experience ever aspect of life. It aids us with the spiritual gifts you may have. Since we are all connected to the same energy source. It is experimenting with what fits you. For example Kriya yoga works excellent for me but it might not suit you. As eel meditation can be going for a walk, drawing and so on. It is about giving your body and mind space to relax, connect with the divine energy source and to become aware of everything around you. It doesn’t matter if you sit in louts position, lie on the bed or do both. What ever fits you.The key of meditation is that it is time for you to check out for a period of time. Than connect with the world your so accustomed to See the difference that meditation brings. You talk about the benefits of meditation. How can go and practice this process? There are various types of meditations out inhere. When you read books, criptures and other spiritual texts. They were meditating off in the middle of now where. Yes that sounds gorgeous to check out for the next year in mountains. It kind of lifestyle may fit some peoples. I do think today our lifestyles have increased . where the house has become that mountain. Find a space in the house that suits you needs. Place a rug, indents sticks and special clothing. Yes when you go to monestires that is what you see. I may not have the time to do all that before I have to either go to work or look after the family. So make it as simple as possible. For me I can’t light candles already tried fancy clothing that became an ordeal. It got to a point where I place a blanket folded on the floor. I fold it. I am trying to say is that is about the techquine more than the material items. I have meditated in my underwear. After a while you will see changes in sutler ways. Meditation works so well it reduces problems and creates solutions. Take a small it of time out for yourself because it is important to personal well-being of you. As well it . Explore because what works for you because thou will find a gem in the busses of life.


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