Chrismas a Special time

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Today we are preparing for Christmas day which is tomorrow. As families are busy in preparing food for dinner and the next day.Getting presents for friends, family and co workers. For some people it might be eating and sharing stories with family and friends. Other people might be remembering loved one who pasted away during this time. We forget the people who are homeless for some reason. A few years ago I attend a monastery for Christmas period. I was shown the other side of Christmas. I was shown the spiritual message of Chirstmas than the commercial. In celebrating christmas it is a balance of the true message of Christmas and commercial side. Not everybody lives in a monastery or Ashram where the outside world is closed up and you pray and meditate. That world maybe for somebody who has asked for it on there soul plan. This day 2,0000 years Holy Mary and in Jerusalem looking for some place to stay for the night. They tried all the inns and wasn’t excepted. Mary prayed for some where to stay and her prayer was answered. They found this stables and asked could we stay here and the owner said yes you can. The next day Jesus Christ was born . Once every year we celebrate Christmas to remind us about jesus birth.


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