Written by Aron O'Dowd on 24 February 2015.
Posted in Podcasting.
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Dr. Basia Durnas
Dr. Basia Durnas OM MMQ
Master Healer * Gnostic Mystic
Born aware that Consciousness is Multi-Dimensional, Reverend Dr. Basia is an intuitive visionary, an empath and a natural healer. Her spiritual training began at the age of 3 when Ascended Masters came to instruct her in the balanced use of The Divine Forces of Love, Wisdom & Power.
Dr.Basia is a Master Healer of Chinese Medical Qi-Gong, Religious Science Minister, Certified NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Trainer, Reiki Master, a life-long student of Gnostic Esoteric Work including The Kabbalah, Eastern & Western Philosophy of Sexual Alchemy and Sacred Sexuality.
As a member of the 11th Dimensions Governing Council of Light, embodied on planet Earth to anchor The Vibrational Ascension Bridge, she teaches techniques to raise the vibrational frequency of the human body, allowing it to hold more light and ignite the individualized process of Ascension into The Light Of The Divine.
An Internationally acclaimed speaker, published author, radio and TV talk show host, she lectures, teaches workshops and leads sacred ceremonies, New & Full Moon, Solstice and Equinox. Dr. Basia creates one-of-a-kind private celebrations of marriage, house blessings and clearings, baby blessings, memorials and energy releases for our loved ones who have made their transition though the veil of life into the light.
From a small village in Poland, a child of self-sufficient farmers, she grew up with deep respect for earth, communing with the land and nature. Show now lives in the Greater Los Angeles area where she practices Energetic Medicine specializing in healing physical and emotional trauma, mental anguish/anxiety and Soul Retrieval.
Learn more about Dr. Basia DrBasia.org
To contact call 888-408-6001 e-mail at revbasia@earthlink.net
In Divine Service
IAM Dr. Basia Durnas