Sancit Show Episode 22 Mark Borax

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Mark Borax
Mark Borax
Welcome to the world of Soul Level Astrology. I’m Mark Borax and I created Soul Level Astrology in 1987, a method of using your birth chart to identify your core nature, or soul, which is the deepest part of you. Your soul force permeates every cell of your body. It was there before you were born and continues after you die. It came from eternity for some purpose only you can achieve. I investigate this soul-level purpose and life timings when we work together. Click here to learn more about The Art of Soul Level Astrology and Star Genesis My eighty-minute sessions have helped thousands of people get in touch with their core force and life purpose. Single sessions cost $310 which you can pay by card, via PayPal (Longer and shorter sessions are available. See my brochure below and the purchase page for details.) I study your chart in advance, and we set up a telephone appointment, unless you’re in New England and can see me in person, (which I prefer) or during my annual trips to Santa Cruz, CA. I work on Thursday and Friday morning/early afternoons, and occasional Saturdays, and am usually booked several weeks in advance. I record our session and email you an MP3 file. Each reading provides more depth than can be fully grasped during the session. By listening to the recording repeatedly, or, even better — by transcribing it to a document, you’ll grasp the deeper layers of the reading, which is intended to increase value over time. I STRONGLY SUGGEST TRANSCRIBING AS A WAY TO PRESERVE YOUR SESSION, RATHER THAN TRUSTING YOUR COMPUTER. Both my long and short sessions investigate the reason you were born, your key strengths and weaknesses, relationship needs, and cycles of timing that shape your optimal growth. You get to speak as much or as little as you need to. It’s better to be fully present during the session than to takenotes. Here’s what clients have to say: “I’ll never forget that first incredible reading. A month ago my world shifted suddenly and radically. I lost my definition. Your message actually brought me to tears. Your clear sight enabled me to see the deepest innermost parts of myself more clearly. Your dedication and devotion liberated me into more fully being who I am.” —Shelly Spencer, Journalist, Hawaii You can request a reading here To download a brochure explaining Soul Level Astrology in more depth, click here 2009 brochure Mark Borax, Author Mark Borax has been a nomadic poet his whole life. In the late seventies he traveled the U.S. and Canada performing and selling his poetry. In the mid-eighties, Mark was befriended by his adolescent idol, writer Ray Bradbury, who became his literary godfather, believing in Mark’s writing even though it was taking forever. In 1984 he became a comic book writer and the managing editor of Comics Interview magazine. In 1998 Mark rode his Harley Davidson Low Rider, through the U.S. and Europe, stopping for a year in the Tuscan countryside of Northern Italy. Mark’s first book, 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future, is a bestseller that describes the author’s seven-year apprenticeship to visionary astrologer Ellias Lonsdale. Under the redwoods in northern California they created a mystery school which birthed a new form of astrology called Star Genesis, that helps people contact their core nature and life purpose. Mark’s new book (co-authored with Ellias) is a Cosmic Weather Report that inspires readers to rethink the whole purpose of humankind and bring on a new future. Mark is available for speaking and book signings, and can be contacted by email at Click here to learn more about my new book 2012: Crossing the Bridge to the Future end of main end of contentWrapper home | about | events | press | links | purchase | contact | book | cosmic weather report end of footer Site © 2008 Mark Borax Website Design © Jan Regent


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