Nikki Barrett Revelation Kinesiology

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Nikki Barrett


Nikki Barrett first became interested in Kinesiology in 1995 after going through deep emotional traumas and experiencing the amazing freeing results from this alternative therapy.  Over the next ten years, Nikki completed numerous courses in Kinesiology, and other modalities culminating in her Diploma. Nikki developed the Revelation Kinesiology clinic seeing clients worldwide and using her experience to help many others in all life challenges, from a health perspective as well as with emotional, spiritual and psychological issues.  

Nikki holds a Diploma in Kinesiology, as well as Integrated Healing and is a Registered Practitioner with the Australian Kinesiology Association, the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists and the Kinesiology Federation in the UK.

She travels the world teaching many different workshops including the Integrated Healing Life Upgrade (self-development and life enhancement) workshop; Foundations (1 day introduction to Kinesiology) the world-renowned Kinergetics Kinesiology modality (all 6 units) and RESET 1 and 2 plus much more.

In Clinic, Nikki combines her Kinesiology skills with her qualifications in Magnified Healing (Master Teacher), Level II Reiki as well as in RESET (gentle jaw alignment through energy).  She runs Clinic in her hometown of Merimbula, Australia and the UK. She also regularly travels around Australia with her husband seeing clients and running workshops from the “Travelling Roadshow” caravan.

You can find out where Nikki is teaching via the website: or  you can contact her via email