#02 Nancy Mcmoneagle – Teaching out of Body at the Monroe Institute
Written by Aron O'Dowd on 25 November 2014.
Posted in Podcasting.
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Prior to her role of Executive Director and President at The Monroe Institute, Nancy “Scooter” McMoneagle provided astrological services out of the Astrological Services Division of Intuitive Intelligence Applications, a company she co-owns and operates with her husband of remote viewing fame, Joseph McMoneagle. In her earlier career days, Nancy helped Bob Monroe to pioneer and create The Monroe Institute (TMI) for consciousness research and education. She later served as its Director from 1983 – 1991.
Nancy also served two terms as President of Nelson County’s Chamber of Commerce where she worked to enhance economic development and regional cooperation in her own and neighboring Virginia counties. As a result of her efforts, Nancy received the Community Builder’s Award from the Masons of the 21st Masonic District.
In addition to her international astrological practice, Nancy has been a freelance writer for Ivanhoe Broadcast News out of Winterhaven, Florida, and has written a number of articles for the Sydney Omarr Astrological Annual Guidebooks.
Nancy’s main focus and intent is to help individuals achieve a greater overview of their lives and to inspire within them a sense of enthusiasm about who they are and what they have to offer. Now, as the Executive Director and President of TMI, she will continue both personally and professionally to focus on exploring, understanding, and expanding greater levels of personal development, that, in turn, can lead each of us toward a growing awareness, realization, and utilization of our untapped talents and skills.
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