How Not to Get a Flu

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This may seem very disgusting in what I am about to share. The nose is used to take in oxygen and smell. It also produces a mucous membrane. When you blow your nose snots come out on the piece of tissue. That snots are mucous membrane. The smelling sends messages to brain to say what is safe and not. Like a dog they know by the sense of smell we are the same. Also a certain smell can active memories and pathways in the brain. So when my nose gets blocked it is an overproduction of the mucous in the body. Than creates us getting sick. So stick any finger you have in your nose and route around, or just put in the nostril and hold while breathing and last thing is to apply some pressure on the side of the wall. Like a well it will start to get things moving slowly. As well as blowing. The more you eliminate or reduce amount of mucous the body can than regulate this membrane. Also if you have a sore throat drag the mucous up into your mouth and spit up. When we don’t get rid of the in our nose it is than passed to the back of the nose and sent down to the throat. People have this idea if I get a flu vaccine I will not get the flu. That idea or notion is false. You receive the vaccine into the body get a small dosage of the flu. Than the USA army of the body are called in to fight off the flu. These vaccines have other ingredients that can damage your body further. So please do your homework before getting a flu vaccine. As we are heading towards the winter stock up on your vitamin C. Which helps the immunity of the body and prevents us to getting flu. The vitamins helps, it’s like the airport security to the body.


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